I love great concepts, ideas that are so simple that we all ask ourselves, "Why didn't I think of that"?  Ideas like the YouTube web series  HOT ONES.  Hot Ones is a simple premise, take 10 bottles of hot sauce, mild to lava hot and using the Scoville heat units (SHU) order the bottles 1-10.  Apply from each bottle a generous  amount of hot sauce onto an individual chicken wing. Lights, camera, action.  Now invite the biggest "A List Celebrities" to eat these hot wings (1-10), while answering questions about their lives and careers.  It's amazing, the world's most famous people are lining up to participate in this exercise in pain.  They have body sweats, nose draining like a downspout, bloodshot eyes that water like a Spring rain, lips on fire. Their stomachs make sounds that scare small children.  All of this as they are trying to answer questions on camera.  The tension builds as they eat their way up the wings of death.  You can see the fear in their eyes as they are on level 3 with 7 more levels of pain to go to reach level 10 @ 2,000,000 SHC.  Just for a sense comparison Tabasco is 3,750 SHU  

Thank you "Hot Wings"   Such a simple primus yet oh so satisfying to watch.  I wish I had thought of it, but so glad you did.    



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